CPSIA: We have made a difference
WE MADE A DIFFERENCE!!!!BIG NEWS: Official Word - 1 yr stay from testing and certificationhttp://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml09/09115.htmlOur items must still be under the lead level however.RETAILERS EXEMPT: CPSC Todd A. Stevenson, Dire Office of the Secretary has asked that retailers be exempt from the final enforcement. That only the manufacturers could get fined http://www.cpsc.gov/library/foia/foia09/pubcom/civilpenalty.pdf REFORM: Sen DeMint has asked for reform http://demint.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=JimsJournal.Detail&Blog_ID=295d58b2-b6fe-c446-1432-24b6199424ed1. Component test 2. Exempt resale, goodwill, yard sales 3. No retroactive 4. CPSC to provide guideAll of these still need a vote but it is HUGE. We have to keep fighting. Even if we get the 1 yr stay we need to fight for component testing, xrt testing, and exceptions for materials that are lead free.It feels so good to know we have made a difference by making our c=voices heard! Thank you all for helping us fight this battle.
Three Peas Co. Lifestyle is a combination of urban chic with todays modern child in mind. Every little girl boy and women deserve boutique quality handmade items.
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