Friday, January 23, 2009

CPSC/CPSIA Lets get Waxman to call a meeting

CPSIA, 46,000 small businesses hurt- and, did I mention you should call Waxman?
Keep up the pressure on Waxman. Call his CPSIA dedicated voicemail, and tell him you know that he can call a Committee meeting and issue some technical amendments and fix things a lot sooner and with more staying power than the Commission can. Tell him you don't appreciate him using Nancy Nord as a scapegoat for his poorly written bill. Remind him that books often have staples or plastic protective covers for their dustjackets, and 12 year olds do not typically suck on their bicycle tires. Here's the number: 202-225-2927I don't know if this would work, but you can't email him if you're not a consituent. So email your own reps and include an email to Waxman. Ask them to pass it on to him, since whether you can vote for him or not, the decisions he's made are going to alter what you can buy, where you can buy it, how much it costs, what you can make, sell, or trade- and read.Here's a list of the members on the Committee of Energy and Commerce:
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