Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today I will share with you a great article and informational I found on a fellow twitter account. This is all information from her blog and not meant to interpret the law in any way simply to offer ideas of how to deal with this horrible act. xoxoxo


Antoinette Newhouse
Designer & Owner Three Peas Co.
Urban chic apparel, accessories and boutique items to compliment your lifestyle
There’s currently a war going on between congress and CPSC which is causing INACTION.
Waxman and Rush created CPSIA and authorized CPSC to interpret it. After the very recent backlash from his constituents, Waxman responded by writing the letter to NORD (ATTACHED HERE) Please read it. It details the various recommendations that might save your business!
Still, CPSC (Nancy Nord and Thomas Moore) feel as if their hands are completely tied and are still not able to APPLY the recommendations without more direction/authority/money.
There are two things you can do and it is urgent you do them soon and frequently because meetings are taking place now and your input and action are necessary.
First, please contact Nancy Nord and Thomas Hill Moore of CPSC and let them know you are very much aware of the Waxman/Rush recommendations (Jan 16) that they’ve been asked to implement immediately . This sends the message loud and clear that they are now accountable. This message is so important because their response has been that they have no authority to change anything. Stress that their very commission ( CPSC ) has been given FULL Authority to make these necessary changes - it says so in this letter!! Ask what they are doing about this!? When will we see clarification and changes??!!! WHILE YOU’re AT IT, DEMAND THAT THEY ALLOW XRF LASER TESTING OR COMPONANT TESTING to qualify after August 2009!!!
I’ve provided phone/fax and email link. use ALL THREE!!! cut and paste parts of the waxman letter. if you’re really lazy, fax them the above letter and underline parts you want them to address.
Nancy Nord & Thomas Hill Moorephone: 301-504-7923fax: 301 504 0121email:
THE second task is to CALL/EMAIL/FAX Waxman and BObby Rush. They proudly passed and defended this unreasonable legislation. And now that they’ve written this letter to CPSC, they feel they can wash their hands of this mess. But it is important that we call these two and let them know that THEY ARE ultimately responsible for this bill. The Commission CANNOT undo the law without their direct involvement.
202-225-3976 (phone)DC202-225-4099 (fax)DC323-651-1040 (phone)LA
818-878-7400 (phone)LA
310-652-3095 (phone) LA323-655-0502 (fax)
Bobby RUshWashington Office2416 Rayburn HOBWashington, DC 20515phone: 202-225-4372fax: 202-226-0333
Thanks in advance for your calls/letters.Teri
And here is a short letter I’ve written and sent my Senators and Representative. Please consider doing the same in your state, and feel free to use this format:
Dear Senator Sanders:
Today a letter asking for a delay on the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act was sent by Energy and Commerce Members Joe Barton and George Radanovich, to Henry Waxman. This letter echoes my concerns about the economic impact the CPSIA will have on the United States, and the fact that unlike the various “bail-outs,” allowing more time for the CPSIA to be properly implemented would be free of charge, and save thousands of businesses in one fell swoop.
Please read this ground-breaking letter on my blog
Yours truly,Cecilia LeibovitzCraftsbury Kids

Three Peas Co. Lifestyle is a combination of urban chic with todays modern child in mind. Every little girl boy and women deserve boutique quality handmade items.

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