Friday, January 8, 2010

Hot on StyleList

Hot on StyleList

Tattoos appeal to many different types of people; some of us who are either affraid of the pain, or are not able to commit to something long enough to make it permanent then others who are just not interested.

For the first time Chanel is closing the gap and offering a designer temporary tattoo which is simply beautiful. Imagine that great outfit like a pettiskirt fun boots and a great tattood necklace that could either be rocker girl or soft and dainty to match many of Three Peas Co. designs. which ever your personal style or age is, a now perfect alternative to the standard clunky jewlery is available and may be changed with a washcloth.

For more information click the link.

Three Peas Co. Couture
Chic Boutique Clothing For:
Baby, Toddler, tween and Teen

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